Disclaimer: This blog is not meant as medical advice. Always see your doctor before beginning any treatment. The views and opinions expressed in this blog are not based on scientific research or medical information and should not be referred to as an authority on Tinnitus. Improper diagnosis can delay proper treatment and/or do further damage. Therefore, the information in this blog, including self-diagnosis information, should be read with critical eyes and not accepted as truth. Only a qualified doctor can properly diagnose your condition. By reading this blog you awknowledge these conditions and assume all responsibility, without exception, for following, using and/or taking any advice, treatement, knowledge and other information from this blog and for the results your actions may produce. Again, always see your doctor before beginning any treatment or for any issue you believe is warranted.

S3 - Treatable Tinnitus: Loud Noise Exposure

If you landed directly to this page from a search engine, please read Tinnitus - An Overview (Start Here) first.

Verifying Your Initial Diagnosis
So the tests I made you do landed you on this page. That doesn't mean that it is this kind of tinnitus you have. Only a qualified tinnitus expert could tell you for sure, and even then, as I've explained, you could be misdiagnosed.

However, there is one question which should give you a strong indication if this is the kind of tinnitus you likely have.

Treatable Tinnitus Test Questions
Question 1: Did your tinnitus start right after exposure to extremely loud noise?

If no (my tinnitus didn't start after the loud noise),
then there is a strong possiblity that it is not damage to your hearing that caused your tinnitus. In addition to this section, you may then want to also read S2 - Curable Tinnitus 2: Contracted Arteries as it is not clear which kind of tinnitus you have.

If yes (my tinnitus did start after the loud noise),
then move onto Question 2.

Question 2: Where you severely cramping your shoulders and neck area at the  time you were exposed to loud noise?

If yes (I cramped my muscles while exposed to loud noise),
then you may have either 'Curable Tinnitus 2: Contracted Arteries' or 'Treatable Tinnitus', or both. You need to read both this section and also S2 - Curable Tinnitus 2: Contracted Arteries as it is not clear which kind of tinnitus you probably have.

If No (I did not cramp my muscles while exposed to loud noise),
then Treatable Tinnitus is probably the kind of tinnitus you have. Please read on.

What To Do Now?
Your ears are ringing. You are likely in pain. You are probably scared, at the very least, worried. Perhaps you are imagining horrible senarios about your life to come. Maybe you pray constantly, just for one single moment of peace. It could be that the sound is driving you crazy. All you can focus on is the sound and nothing else.

So what do you do now?

Step 1 - Reality Check 1 - Why Your Mind Creates Most Of Your Tinnitus Pain
First off, you want to protect your ears. If there is any chance of your ears healing, which there is, you don't want to destroy your ears further by being around loud noise. So protection, protection, protection, from any loud noise.

Secondly, you need to realize that all the pain you may feel now, is in large part, created by your mind. I know, I didn't want to listen to this either as I was too busy suffering from driving myself crazy with the sound in my ear.

Let me explain this in a way that is easy to understand.

There are millions, if not billions of signals rushing into your brain every second. Your brain decides the amount of attention it is going to give to each signal.

Imagine now that all these signals are represented by the photo below.

This photo was your reality before tinnitus. When you look at this photo as a whole, it looks rather nice, right?

Then arrives tinnitus and the signals coming into your brain now look like this.

However, with tinnitus, your brain has this new unfamiliar sound coming in through your ears. It is new, there are no rules (habits) for how to deal with this ringing, so your brain gives this sound A LOT of attention (survival intinct if you will). But by giving a lot of attention to tinnitus, your reality gets "zoomed in" on this tiny part of your overall reality, ignoring most of the rest, and your photo ends up looking like this.

No wonder you are upset, panicked, stressed out of your mind. All that nice stuff went away and all you have is this crazy stuff.

So you see (unless your tinnitus is extremely loud), that if your brain didn't do this "zooming in" part, your overall level of existence would still look like this:

Which isn't so bad, is it? Certainly better then the "zoomed in" one. This is the actual amount of "suffering" you should be experiencing from tinnitus at this moment. And even this can be reduced, which we'll talk about soon.

So the question is: how do you go from this:
back to this?

Step 2 - One Giant Step For...You...
You have to move your focus away from tinnitus. I know it is hard, given that your brain focuses only on tinnitus. There is no 'one way' to do it. We're all different and some things work better for some people than others. But the 'main action' is the same: moving your focus away from tinnitus and onto something else.

I know, it is a little like asking you NOT to think about the color blue. Try it for 10 seconds. Don't think of blue. Forget about blue. There is no blue in your mind.

That probably wasn't quite as easy as you would have liked it to be. But it is just a matter of training, so don't get discouraged. The good news is that you already know how to do this and you do it with LOTS of stuff already. Which I'll explain in a little bit.

So how do you begin to take your focus off tinnitus?

Approach 1 - Activity
This approach is to actively engage in something that requires you to draw your attention away from tinnitus and onto something else.

The more obessed you currently are about your tinnitus, the more force you have to use to pull your focus away from tinnitus and onto something else. So if you are "freaking out" then you need to do an activity that requires 100% of your minds activity and focus. One way is to play a hectic video game. Perhaps you have some work you can do that requires 100% focus. Or do something else that is "stressful" which demands your complete attention. This will force your brain to focus on the task at hand and away from tinnitus. You will get relief as well as training your mind to understand that tinnitus does not require 98.99% of your focus at all times during the day.

Now it doesn't matter how obsessed you are with your tinnitus. You can't be 100% active all day long. Eventually you have to relax. Since you have less energy, being "tired" reduces the intensity of your obsession. This makes it easier for you to control your mind's focus with more regular activities explained below.

For those that are "not freaking out" but still concerned, the same principle as above applies. If you want to use this approach, you must engage in some activity which demands your attention. But since your mind is not super focused on tinnitus, it is probably enough for you to simply "do something where you concentrate".

Some regular activities which can help you remove focus from tinnitus are: watching tv, talk to friends and family, play with your pet, read a book to your child, house renovation, or anything that requires your concentration.

Remember, the goal is "to forget about" tinnitus through forcing your minds focus onto something else.

Approach 2 - Peace
This approach is to make your mind and subcouncious understand that you are safe, and that the self-preservation mechanisms (stress, adrenalin, fear, strong focus) can be shut down.

Many people find the sound(s) most prominent when they are in bed. You could always stay up very late so you are so tired that you'll sleep anyway. But you may be so stressed out that you'll let the sound wake you up during your sleep. Remember, it is probably NOT the sound waking you, but your stressed out mind.

Many people's first reaction when getting tinnitus is a little like putting your hand in boiling water. Your body says: HEY STUPID! PULL YOUR ARM OUT! I AM SUFFERING HERE! You get stressed out that you are suffering because your mind is telling you that you are suffering. However, it isn't true to the extent that many people make it out to be. In the grand scheme of things, you have gotten a slight inconvenience. Now all you have to do is make your mind understand this.

The key is to relax, and to relax, you must let the "animal instinctive you" understand that it does not have to "fight" tinnitus. Think about it. If there is danger, your body reacts. Adrenalin fuels you, you become extremely alert, noticing even the slightest sound or movement. You are ready to fight the danger, in order to survive. This does not happen when you see a squirrel in a tree, or a tiger on tv. Because your body knows it is safe. Same thing with tinnitus. Tell yourself that you are safe, you will be ok, that once you have learnt how to deal with tinnitus then you won't suffer like you do now. Accept your current situation and tell yourself it is ok.

So right now, tell yourself, that right now you are working on solving this. Tell yourself that your pain is only temporary, that even if the sound stays in your ears, you probably won't suffer from it forever. Tell yourself that by reading this blog, you'll soon have more answers and tools that can help you end the pain you are in. Tell yourself that very soon, as you begin to relax, you'll see that you can overcome your tinnitus and that life will be as it was before. We all get wear and tear to our bodies. Some people have bad backs, other have joint issues, some don't see quite so well. Yet few people whine and complain about this all day long. Once they understand their situation, and learn how to deal with it, their lives go back to pretty much normal. So can you. Because with tinnitus, unless extreme, most people go back to 100% normal and the remaining return to 95-99.99% normal. Now I am the first to say that these numbers are not scientific and not based on anything else than my personal experience, the experience of those I've talked to who also have tinnitus and from what I've read. But what I want to communicate is that, unless there are extreme circumstances, you are going to be ok. You can shut down the stress and worries. Take confidence in that you'll be ok. You just need a little time.

So with this approach, you want to shut down your defenses. One way that helps do this is to list all the positive things in your life. Things that make you happy. From the smallest thing to your greatest joys. Think about all the "happy" things you'll get to do in your future. Not only does this take your focus off tinnitus and help train your mind to pay less attention to tinnitus, but it also helps you remember all the great things in your life.

What is that? What did you say? Are you saying you don't want to think about happy things? That you would rather listen to the sound in your ear(s) because you think it is more important to stay up to date on how the sound is at every millisecond of the day? If this was your reaction to the suggestion above, then realize that it is this intense focus on tinnitus which is causing most of your pain in the first place.

Summing Up
Both of these approaches teach you that it is your intense focus on tinnitus which causes most of your pain. So aim to draw your attention away from tinnitus.

Depending upon what you need, right now and later on, you now have two ways to help you remove/reduce the pain you get from tinnitus. You'll also probably want to switch between them depending upon what you need at that time of the day and how you feel at the moment. It all depends upon your personality and how you are reacting to tinnitus. At least, as your mind travels between activity and peace throughout the day, you know you can use whatever is most appropriate to help remove your pain.

Step 2.5 - I Still Need Help With My Giant Step For Me
Now you may say that all this 'not focusing on tinnitus' stuff seems great, but I need relief NOW!!!! If not, skip to Step 3.

Yes, in the beginning, it may be hard to take your mind off tinnitus. I really really really really understand this.

So what can you do?

If just talking about this and doing what I've explain above, isn't enough for you. Then there are several products out there that are designed to help you with this. We are all different, and some things may work better for some people than others. It is up to you to decide what you think will be beneficial for you, if anything. But in this section, I've dried to assemble some of the products which I believe could be of help to some of you (these products are also available in the product list in the menu to the left):

Products: Approach 1 - Activity
As explained in the blog text, this approach focuses on providing tinnitus relief through occupying the mind.

Zuma (Video Game)
Few games stress you out more than this one. I recommend it because anybody can play it. You don't have to be an avid gamer (in which case, you don't need any video game recommendations) to enjoy or play this game. It is fun, addictive and demands 100% of your focus. Zuma does not require a state-of-the-art computer and is therefore easily available to pratically everybody.

Zuma helped me focus about something other than my tinnitus after just a couple of minutes, which was desperately needed relief for me at the time. For this reason, I recommend Zuma and it's sequel Zuma's Revenge, and also Zuma clones described below. Any of these games can help to take your focus of tinnitus for a little while.

PC Version

Mac & PC version

XBox 360 Version

"Zuma Clones"
After Zuma became a big hit, lots of similar games were released . Even if I recommend Zuma over the others as a game, for your tinnitus purposes, there is no real difference if you play Zuma or a Zuma clone. These games will all stress you out and demand all your attention.

Since Zuma is not available on all platforms, I've added the best Zuma clones for the other gaming platforms here, so that as many people as possible can have access to some tinnitus relief through playing these games.

Nintendo DS clones 

PSP clone

Wii clones

Zuma & Clones - Instant Download Versions

XBox 360 - Instant Download

PSP - Instant Downlaod

Products: Approach 2 - Peace
As explained in the blog text, this approach focuses on providing tinnitus relief through relaxing the mind.

Tinnitus Masking Sounds
You can get relief from tinnitus by listening to sounds that mask your tinnitus. Which sounds will work best for you will depend upon the type of sound in your ear(s). Generally, masking sounds are labelled as: White, Pink and Brown.

Normal Versions                                            Instant MP3 Download Versions

Nature Sounds
Certain nature sounds, such as rain, ocean and forest sounds can give you effective tinnitus relief. These may also be more pleasant to listen to in the long run than straight masking sounds, but this is again all up to personal preference.

Electrical & Machinery Sounds
Some people also find certain electrical or machinery sounds helpful, such as fans and traffic.

Meditative, Spiritual & New Age Music
Finally, certain music in these categories can offer a soothing alternative. This music can also give you some tinnitus relief while at the same time offer you some peace and tranquillity.

if you are serious about managing your tinnitus, it makes sense to learn all you can about it. Get a second or third point of view so you have a better basis for making up your own mind. Which is why I've recommended a couple of books on tinnitus, which I have on purpose NOT read, but where the reviews are very good, so I don't think you can go wrong here.

Sound Therapy Machines (Sound Masking Machines)
The major benefit with a masking machine is that you can modify the sounds it makes to fit your personal preference. Meaning, you can, sort of, tune out your tinnitus.

In addition, night time can be one very frustrating when dealing with tinnitus. So if tinnitus is keeping you up, a masking machine may be a good option for you. I recommend Sound Oasis because it has great reviews, lots of built in features and it has lots of additional products you can buy, according to your needs.

Sound Oasis: Regular & Deluxe Models         Sound Oasis: Additional Tinnitus Specific Sound Card

Sound Oasis: Pillow Speakers                  Sound Oasis: Additional Sound Cards

Other products that may be of interest to you
Sound Therapy Pillow                                       Hypnosis

Step 3 - Reality Check 2 - Why You Can Forget About Tinnitus
Earlier I told you that your actual reality before you got tinnitus, looked like this.

But the above photo is actually only the reality your mind sees. If you include all the signals your brain receives, but currently ignores, your 'true actual reality' looks like this.

Not the same, is it. So what are all these "new things"? They represent all the things in your life which you ignore on a daily basis. Yes, your brain ignores many many things, often because they are unpleasant, or they threaten you in some way, or they are reduntant, or you don't like them, etc. You are probably aware on some level that most of these things exists (possibillity of loosing your job, getting hit by a car, family illnesses that can happen to you, you are not as 'blank' as you wish you were and that makes you feel bad, etc). However, you tend to "forget" about these things, sometimes so well that you never think of them. Which is why your ' true actual reality' looks like this:

But, your minds reality (how you experience your reality everyday), looks like this:

Step 4 - Back To Being Yourself Again
So in order for you to remove the suffering you have from tinnitus, all you have to do is tell your brain to ignore tinnitus as well.

The good news is that you already know how to do this. The tricky part is doing it "non-sub-consciously", which can be hard. But almost everyone who has tinnitus can tell you it is doable. Because most of them do it on a daily basis, allowing them to remove or at the very least, reduce, their tinnitus.

Step 5 - Man, This Blog Is LOOOOOONG (The Proof & Initial Break Through)
So why do you think I made my blog so long? Is it possible that you were so engaged in reading this blog that you forgot about your tinnitus, at least for a second or two? Were you so intersted in finding out what to do and absorb all that I wrote, that the sound faded, if only slightly, for a few seconds? Don't tell me that you suffered from the sound in your ear, AT AN EQUAL LEVEL OF SUFFERING, for the whole duration of reading this blog. That I don't buy. More likely, when your mind thought about what I said, it took attention away from tinnitus, and then your mind quickly remembered there was a new unfamiliar sound in your ear and told you how painful it was as your mind went back into fighting mode. Then you read some more and the tinnitus became a little less, then your mind quickly brought your attention to your tinnitus and made you suffer yet again.

Does this senario seem at all possible to you?

If you've read this blog from the beginning and up to this point, then you should have proven to yourself that you are able to reduce the sound in your MIND. It is just a matter of training. Even if the sound stays in your ears, unless your tinnitus is severe, you can remove it from your mind.

Yes I know that you are probably overly sensitive to the sound in your ear(s) right now and you feel that you've heard it all along. But then tell me this. Since you started reading this blog, how many times did you notice your breath? How many times did you consider if your eyes are soar from reading? Did you check if your posture is giving you pain. Are you cold? Warm? Is your back hurting, if only slightly, from how you are sitting or lying? Is your neck hurting? Is there any pain in your stomach? Perhaps because of what you ate?

Even if you did consider some of these things, chances are you only did so for a second and then chose to ignore it. You certainly didn't feel how painful it was at every second of reading this blog, and you probably didn't even know about it until just now. So check your body right now, move around a little, feel the different parts of your body and you'll be able to find something that hurts. Why haven't you spent the last minutes saying: OMG this is so painful, this part of my body is so painful? You didn't because your mind ignored that pain. You can do the same with tinnitus.

The truth is that your life is full of pain, but you ignore it. It is what all humans do to feel better. It is why your bad back, sore throat, fragile joints, broken heart, damaged ego, hurt pride, cold hands, fragile eyes, only hurt when you pay attention to them. Yes, I know that your back WILL make you feel pain when you get up from a chair incorrectly, FORCING your attention to notice your back, but it will still only hurt when you notice it, and the pain depends upon the amount of attention you give it.

Ignore tinnitus and you will reduce or remove your suffering from it.

Step 6 - How To Reduce And Remove Tinnitus Suffering
So how do I ignore tinnitus?

You've actually done a great deal of the work already. In my opinion the most important step is to have the knowledge, which I've tried my best go give you in this blog. Now you just have to apply it.

Here is a summary of the steps:
- Accept your new situation
- Understand that your mind creates most of your suffering
- Remove your focus from tinnitus (active or peace)
- Tell yourself that you will be ok (it is true)
- Understand that in time your mind will ignore tinnitus as it does so many other things
- Start living your life. Just do what you normally do. Say: this will just get better over time and the best thing I can do is to continue living my life as I did before. Whenever I feel pain, then I just mentally remember the steps in this summary.

Step 7 - Final Words
Lastly, please read my Final Words found here.

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