Disclaimer: This blog is not meant as medical advice. Always see your doctor before beginning any treatment. The views and opinions expressed in this blog are not based on scientific research or medical information and should not be referred to as an authority on Tinnitus. Improper diagnosis can delay proper treatment and/or do further damage. Therefore, the information in this blog, including self-diagnosis information, should be read with critical eyes and not accepted as truth. Only a qualified doctor can properly diagnose your condition. By reading this blog you awknowledge these conditions and assume all responsibility, without exception, for following, using and/or taking any advice, treatement, knowledge and other information from this blog and for the results your actions may produce. Again, always see your doctor before beginning any treatment or for any issue you believe is warranted.

S5 - Emotional Support - The Tinnitus Rollercoaster

(Or, The Mental States You Go Through When Getting Tinnitus)

This list is an attempt at explaining the general mental states an average person encountering tinnitus may go through. Although every person is different and this model does not fit everyone, it can give you some idea of how you might react to encountering tinnitus for yourself. Hopefully you'll feel a little better knowing that you are not alone and that your reaction is most likely completely normal.

Pre-States: All Is Fine
Your ears are fine, or so you may think. Damage can occur to your ears even if you don't hear any ringing, buzzing or hissing. However, you are not suffering and go about your business as usual.

You will likely experience stage 1A, 1B and 1C in rapid succession and also at the same time. The same with later states.

State 1A: Realization
Hey!?! My ears are ringing.

State 1B: Worry & Regret
I hope it will go away. I wish I hadn't done the activity which gave me this sound. Some people stay in this stage for about 10 seconds, others a few days.

State 1C: Denial
This is just normal. I'm sure it will go away, it always does. I just have to wait.

By this time, some forms of Tinnitus will go away or decrease below a worrysome level. If not, proceed to the next state...

State 2A: Panic
It is not going away!!!! OMG!!!!! OOUUEEEEEE!!!! HELP ME!!!!

State 2B: Desperate Action
This stage involves around 11 hours of continuous Internet searching (hello there), talking to everybody you know about tinnitus, complete stress and obsession about tinnitus, going to the doctor, possibly getting the right diagnosis but also possibly getting a misdiagnosis and most likely being told that all you can do is wait and hope.

State 2C: Continued Obsession
I can only focus on Tinnitus and so I make the problem 50 times larger than what it actually is. HELP HELP HELP!!!! I'll do absolutely anything for just another second of peace!!!!

By this time, some forms of Tinnitus will go away or decrease and you become happy again. If not, you proceed to the next state...

State 3: Depression.
I have a "50 times to big" problem that takes over everything in my life. All I see is this problem and nothing else. I am in so much pain. I feel horrible. I am just lying in bed with earplugs wishing to God and anyone else I can think of to please, PLEASE, PLEASE!!! make the sound go away.

By this time, most Tinnitus will, at a minimum, slightly decrease, which should give you some relief...

State 4A: Acceptance
I am so depressed, yet, I can't just lie in bed and wait and wait forever. So I get up and do something and try to take my mind of this pain.

State 4B: Long-Term Action
I have accepted that the constant sound might not go away by itself. Meaning that I have to deal with it and take proper long-term actions in order to help myself deal with this situation.

State 4C: Breakthrough

For Curable Tinnitus: You can, in many cases, achieve a complete recovery from this form of tinnitus. However, it will only be achieved if you embrace three things.
1. An honest willingness to change.
2. Your willingness to learn.
3. Your continued efforts to eliminate/reduce your tinnitus producing actions/habits and to adopt new non-tinnitus producing habits and actions

For Treatable Tinnitus: You can achieve varying degrees of relief from this form of tinnitus, from low relief to almost 100%, depending upon your situation. It is important to educate yourself and to accept and deal with your situation. In addition to doing the recommended treatments, how you will achieve the greatest success is simply to not focus on tinnitus. If you accept it as part of your reality, your mind will begin to ignore it, just like your aching fingers, soar eyes, upset stomach etc., and this will enable you to reduce and even almost eliminate entirely your suffering from tinnitus.

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